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Ranking the Top 13 Countries with the Biggest Booties in Women

Updated: Dec 31, 2024

In a world where diverse big booty shapes are celebrated, the focus often turns to those captivating curves. Join us on a revealing journey as we unveil the top 12 countries where women are renowned for having the biggest booties. This exploration takes you through a list of nations where voluptuous figures are celebrated, showcasing the diversity of body types and cultural appreciation for this unique aspect of femininity. Discover the countries with the highest density of women with some of the biggest booties on the planet.

So let's explore the Top 12 Countries where women are renowned for having the biggest booties on average:




  4. USA



  7. UAE


  9. INDIA


  11. ITALY

  12. UK



Big Brazilian ass - Bunda Grande

Make no mistake, the best and biggest booties in the world are in Brazil. Brazilian women are naturally short and super stacked with small waist and bodies that defy gravity. Brazilian women are overall a hot package, they have a sexy look with the best bodies in the world.

There is a big gym culture with the majority of Brazilian women training in the gym vigorously to build their booty and keep their body fit. On top of this "Brazilian Butt Lift" surgery is invented in Brazil! Surgery is affordable and done on a mass scale which produces a staggering amount of insane looking booties on average.

If you take a 9/10 hot girl from the US and put her in Brazil, she would merely be a 7/10 in Brazil. In the picture above you can see me with a Brazilian mulata (mixed) girl I approached and seduced at my Live Infield Training in Sao Paulo. Note that in Brazil white, black, or any girls in between have equally big booties with the typical perfectly round shape. Even Japanese-looking Latinas from Brazil with Asian faces have massive booties! In short Big Brazilian booty (aka "bunda grande" in Portuguese) is unmatched when it comes to size and shape which makes Brazil The Ultimate Big Booty Heaven for Guys.


Big Colombian Ass - Culo Grande

(Colombiana culona with thick perfectly shaped natural booty)

Colombian women are pretty close to Brazilian women in terms of having equal big booty size and shape. Colombian girls have very beautiful faces, amazing smiles, white teeth, raw femininity that will take your breath away, short petite frames with naturally big, round, perfectly shaped boobs, and booties. On top of this (same as in Brazil) due to a very high competition between women; "Brazilian butt lift" surgery is common and cheap so many women do it to stand out from the crowd even more. All of this produces booties on steroids which are alongside Brazil unmatched in the world. Colombian "culo grande" comes at 2nd place in the world.

In this picture above you can see me with an indigenous type Colombian girl I seduced during one of my Live Infield Trainings in Medellin. But a rare Colombian negrita or a white girl has an equally big and round booty on average.

If you like negrita girls (go to Cartagena), for indigenous looks with Pochahontas big booties Medellin is the king.

And for white Colombian girls Bogota is the best.


Big Mexican Ass - Culona

Mexican women are petite and short, very feminine with beautiful faces and big smiles. They have round big natural booties and slim legs. The overall booty size on average is a little bit smaller than Brazil and Colombia but pretty close. In terms of booty shape, it is also slightly behind Brazil and Colombia on average. But don't get me wrong this is still a Big Booty Heaven for all guys who like big booties.

In the above picture you can see a Natural Mexican big booty girl (culona) I picked up and seduced during one of my Live Infield Trainings in Cancun.

4. USA

The best place in the US for booty lovers is Miami Florida due to a lot of beautiful Latina women from the Caribbean

Black Girl Big Ass

(savage booty Girl from Miami I seduced and pulled during one of my Live Infield Trainings in Miami)

New York big ass booty

(In the US you can on very rare occasions find a big booty girl with a slim body like this one. I seduced and pulled this girl during My Live Infield Training in New York City, however, it was not an easy smash as it required 3 dates!)


Booties are indeed majestic in Venezuela. When you account for Venezuela’s dominance at the Big 4 international beauty pageants and beauty-obsessed general female culture you get one of the countries with overall most beautiful women on the planet.

However, due to the fact, it is the most dangerous country in South America to travel to I have excluded it from the travel list I recommend as I don't want to encourage anyone to go there. Going to Brazil is like a walk in the park compared to Venezuela where you will need 24/7 security guards. The good news is that due to the bad economic situation in Venezuela, you can find lots of hot, big-booty Venezuelan women in Colombia, the US and Spain.

Venezuela big asses
Venezzuelan latina big ass

(Venezuelan big booty girl I met and seduced at my VIP Live Infield Training at Ibiza Spain)


I find Turkish women to have exceptionally round shaped and meaty booties. Frankly this is one of my favorite countries for approaching big booty women. Sizes are pretty comparable with Brazil and Colombia, just the shape is somewhat different and more natural.

Many people admire Turkish women for their curvy shapes, especially their round bottoms. This is often shown in clothes, art, and on social media, where people celebrate this kind of beauty. You can see this love for curvy bodies in both traditional outfits and new fashion styles. It shows a mix of pride in their culture and modern trends. Having this kind of body is not just liked, but it also represents being feminine and attractive in Turkish culture.

7. UAE

Arabic countries where women also have massive booties are a good alternative. Arabic countries are high difficulty for daygame and nightgame pickup so I recommend it only for Arabic men or very skilled players.

(Insane Big Arabic Booty! The photo was taken during my Live Infield Training in Dubai UAE)


Last but not least, some Asian women have very solid perfectly round perky booties that look really nice and stand out from their petite bodies. I would rate Filipina women as Asians with the biggest and best-shaped booties.

Big ass Filipina

(Filipina girl I seduced and pulled during my Live Infield Training in Manila Philippines)


Yes, I know that Indian girls are not widely known for big booties but I can tell you their booties have quite a nice shape, and pop out from the rest of the typical Indian female body which is quite petite and feminine. I find them quite sexy.

Big Indian ass
indian Girl Big Ass

(Smashed in New Delhi)


Romania has an abundance of women with big booties shaped similar to Brazilian girls (just smaller and more refined) on average.

Romanian women have short slim bodies with big tits and perky round booties and really beautiful facial features and they use a LOT of makeup with fake eyelashes being common.

They dress to impress.

Romanian women are the sexiest in Europe on average with Pornstar grade looks. I remember when my 3 students and I entered the DM store in Bucharest during my first Live Infield Training in Bucharest Romania. It was a sales day and the DM store was crowded with smoking hot beautiful women scarcely dressed up on a hot May day. One of my students silently said: "Omg this is like in a porn movie". Made me laugh so much. 😅 I replied: "This is why we do Geomaxed Live Infield Trainings so that you guys (who in the US and West Europe can only see hot girls like this in porn) can actually meet and experience beautiful girls while in Romania.

Highly recommended for guys who find it difficult to travel all the way to Central and South America.

Romanian Girl Big Ass

(Romanian amazing bubble butt)


Italy has women with sweet, juicy, nicely shaped big booties. I enjoyed "culo grosso Italiana" very much as one of the biggest booties in Europe. If you ask me this is as good as it gets in Europe.

Big Italian Ass
Italian Girl Big Ass - Culo Grosso Italiana

(My ex-Italian bombshell girlfriend from Rome. I met her while taking affogato in a coffee shop while I was infield coaching my Italian client)

12. UK

Average UK girls don't really excel in the Booty department however if you are a determined player like I am, you can still find occasional gems here and there. In my experience, UK women from Wales have the best-shaped and biggest booties on average.

Big Ass UK

(Bird from Wales with a perfectly shaped big booty I smashed)


What about the guys who like tall girls? All the countries mentioned have short-stacked women on average. If you are a tall girl / long legs lover, yet you also like women with big booties the best countries to visit are the Czech Republic, Netherlands, and Montenegro. They are the tallest women on the planet with big natural booties and very long legs.

Czech Republic big ass girl

Big Czech Ass

(Big booty girl with long legs I seduced and pulled in Prague Czechia during 1 on 1 Live Coaching with my client from the UK)


Latinas reign supreme when it comes to big juicy perfectly round-shaped booties.

Women in dangerous countries have the biggest booties on average.

As a general rule of thumb: The Greater the Danger = The Bigger the Booties!

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